Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oamaru Basketball

On Friday the 22nd of July the Kaiapoi North basketball team travelled down to Oamaru to represent our school with pride by playing in a South Island Basketball tournament. We were the only school participating in this tournament by that didn't stop us trying hard against the rep teams. The team showed 150% in all of our games. We also did a lot of fun activities such as bowling, going to the poolsm going on the steam train, and spending money at the shops. North Kaiapoi basketball team showed all the values and beliefs and we played hard. In the end we won our final. The basketball team would like to thank Miss Lambert and Mrs Reid for making this tournament possible.

Written By Josh Mills

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nikau Hockey

Each week students from Nikau syndicate go to Dudley park in Rangiora to participate in a hockey tournament. They are learning skills in hockey and how to show sportsmanship. A big thank you to our parent supporters for taking us to the park and our coach Miss Reardon for teaching us new skills.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wheki Midget Soccer

The  soccer coaches


During the last 5 weeks of term 2 students in Wheki syndicate have had the opportunity to develop their soccer skills. The students were coached by some amazing Year 7/8 children who taught skills like tackling, dribbling, passing, goal kicking and some of the positions on the field. 

Thanks to our amazing coaches, we had a lot of fun!